FREEADS in India


Sunday 1 September 2013


According to 2011 census Population of India  was 121,01,93422 .
Current Population of India 2013 will be 1,239.26 Millions .
After around 200 years of British rule India awoke to independence on 15th august 1947 and became a sovereign secular nation. The republic of India covers 3,288,580 vast trench of area and its borders are surrounded by the Himalayan range and water bodies and few neighboring countries .Its has a unique identification for it being rich and diversified in its natural resources and topographical representation. India is a multiethnic and multilingual country with as many as 600 languages spoken all over the nation. Major religions of the words have their roots of origin in India. India is often assessed as an amalgamation of many countries tied together by a common destiny. It has the biggest and successful democratic form of government. India is amongst the emerging super powers of the world but it still lies in the UN list of developing countries being back held by poverty and corruption. India has huge population currently estimated to be 1,241,491,960 making it the most populated after china which lies in the vicinity of figures.
Assessment of population of India can be done through undergoing the detailed scenario of country’s past in aspect of its population.
India’s population growth caught a faster pace in the third decade of 19th century. Until 1920, India’s population growth was steady due to heavy loss of human life due to wars, famines and epidemics. The population level arouse since 1921 due to advancement of technology and control forms to combat famine and epidemics making such high losses of mankind.
For the first time since the setup of systematic census in 1881, Indi’s population enhanced by more than 10% in a decade with census,1931 enumeration a population of 279 million.
When India attained independence with a population of 345 million it faced a series of challenges in every aspect of statecraft. Due to much controversial partition 8 million refugees had come into the country from what was now Pakistan, which was population surplus.
At the time of independence, India was termed as an agricultural country because of the vast majority of masses residing in rural areas while few percent of the population dwelled in urban towns and as agriculture was the chief source of income-India being a fertile land.
Since independence, the population of India has more than tripled itself.
Since 1950, India’s total fertility rate accounted to 6(children/woman) approx.
Since 1952, India has been continuously trying to control its population growth which was increasing at an uncontrolled rate.
In 1983, Country took up a national health policy to have a decreased value of total fertility rate of 2.1 by the year 2000 which concluded to be a hypothetical assumption.
During late 1980s, an aim to have two children/couple by 2000 was declared but results as being too ambitious
In 2000 India’s population crossed the billion mark.
All figures with respect to population are large in India: 2.7 million annual births; 8.7 million annual deaths and 1.5 million infant deaths.
Growing population of India attracted concern since 1947 followed by innumerous policies none of them which qualified to attain expected results. Above all there has been huge growth in the population over the decades.
AS of 2007, United Nations human development index ranked India 126th, which takes into account social educational and other human living aspects with Population growth bearing a direct impact on socio-economic level.
India is a complex land. On one aspect analyzing the metropolitan cities of India one draws it to be a developing nation with upgraded lifestyle and trade efficiency but the others aspect explains a completely different and a factual story that majority of Indian’s are still rooted to villages making it an agricultural and rural nation.
India has faced the worst consequences of such overpopulation in terms of poverty, malnourishment and illiteracy.
After two centuries of coherent British colonial rule, India attained independence and became a sovereign secular nation on august 15, 1947.The republic of India is spread over a vast area of 3,287,590 square kilometers making it marginally more than one-third the size of the United States. With a unique distinction of being rich and diversified in its geographical presentation, religion and culture, India is a multilingual and multiethnic society. World’s major religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism have their roots of origin here. It is often referred to as an amalgamation of many countries tied together by a common destiny and the biggest yet strong and successful democracy. While it’s an emerging economic power but majority of life remains rooted to the rural areas. India has a vast population and is the 2nd country to cross the 1 billion population figure. Population of India is a big problem of Indian economic growth .

To access the detailed overview of population in India and its implications on the socio economic strata of the country and ways to combat such immense enhancement in population over the decades let’s get down to the categorized form of state of India firstly, as a British empowered colony and secondly, as a sovereign.
India’s rapid rise of population was originated in the third decade of the 19th century which drew immense concern. Until 1920, India’s population was growing at snail pace owing to heavy loss of life due to famines, wars and epidemics.

According to census reports decline in population of the country within its present geographical boundaries took place between 1911 and 1921 by 0.8 million due to high mortality inflicted by the influenza pandemic of 1918-1919.The population steadily increased since 1921 because of scientific advancement and technical know how for epidemic and famine control and sanitation measures undertaken by the provincial governments

For the first time since the initiation of the systematic census in 1881, India’s population increased slightly by more than 10% in a decade with the 1931 census enumerating a population of 279.0 million.

The interest and action from social reformers to combat this population growth Land its adverse effect on women health is significant in character.
When India attained independence on the dawn of august 15.1947,it faced a series of challenges in every aspect of a state-societal matrix, socio economic complications and defense. As a result of partition 8 million refugees had come into the country from what was now Pakistan. The people had to be found satisfactory standards of living education and employment thus this migration was a surplus population input to India. India’s population in 1947 was large, almost 345 million .the citizens of the vast land inhibited lingual, cultural and ethical difference and practiced different professions and ate different food. At the time of independence vast majority of population dwelled in rural areas with a marginal percentage of people residing in cities. Clearly,the new nation had to lift its masses out of poverty by increasing the productivity of agriculture and initiating setup of new industries. Since independence, the population of India has more than tripled. Since 1950, India’s total fertility rate was 6(children/woman) approx. Since 1952, India has made efforts to control its population growth. It was of prime necessity as check on population growth will enhance the country economic condition and will be a promoting step towards the eradication of poverty. In 1983, the goal of the country’s national health policy was to have a decremented value of total fertility rate of 2.1 by the year 2000 which proved to be hypothetical.

During late 1980s,a goal of two children/couple by 2000 was declared but too ambitious to be achieved.

India’s population crossed the 1 billion mark in 2000

In 2000, India established a new National Population Policy (NPP) to stem the growth of the country population having one of the primary aims to reduce the total fertility rate to 2.1 by 2010, But still unachieved it remains as high as 2.8.also set another goal of two-child family which led to unwanted results of increased abortion of female fetuses and preferences to male child. Many states joined in the program but few states like Haryana, Himachal Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh have withdrew because of cries from many segments of society.

All figures with respect to population is large in India: 2.7 million annual births;8.7 million annual deaths and 1.5 million infant deaths.

Population growth in India was viewed as a problem very early in 1947 but after numerous population policies and measures still the aims couldn’t be achieved and above all there has been immense enhancement in the population over the decades.

In the most populated states Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, fertility still remains above four children per woman and is declining slowly but these states having the quarter of India’s population have a defining role to play for the reduction of population by control on fertility rates.

An additional important aspect to India’s population policy is imbalance of the sex ratio at birth. The widespread strong preference of a male child over a female has resulted in abortion of female fetuses.
India is a complex land. A visitor to Delhi might leave with the impression that India is rapidly becoming a middle-class country with a consumer-oriented and developed lifestyle. But India remains a rural country at the core.Progress has been achieved on many fronts if the size of the population is considered as an impediment.Agricultural production quadrupled during a remarkable transformation of its agricultural segments in the 1960s and 1970s (the “Green Revolution”)

Nonetheless, almost 50 percent of Indian children are malnourished. The expansion of the healthcare system has raised life expectancy at birth to 63 years from less than 40 years in 1950. But less than half of births are attended by skilled health personnel, and maternal mortality is still high.

During the 20th century, India’s population growth awoke from the doldrums as real progress was made against disease and hunger. The quarter-billion of 1900 became the 1 billion of 2000. Slowing such unheard-of growth became a national priority from the nation’s beginning, and India can count many successes in that effort.

India’s wide demographical differences have made it difficult for an all-around implementation of policies. India’s future in terms of population largely depends on the northern side which is much populated. Fair results are heterogeneous isn’t attained on whole.

Now the question of 2 billion Arises. Will India become the world’s first population?

“Double billionaire?” Such a development is well within Mathematical possibility. That is one of India’s most compelling future issues

Every 1.21 sec. a baby is born in India. Every hour 2 971.9 persons are born.
Every 3.40 sec. one person dies in India. Every hour die 1 060.1 persons.

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