FREEADS in India


Saturday 31 August 2013

The story of child labour

Labourers below the age of 14 years are called child labour. India has the largest number of child labour in the world. According to the census figures of 1991, India has 11.29 million child labourers, which constitute 1.34 per cent of the total population of our country. Most of the child labourers are engaged in agriculture and allied subject like livestock, foresting and fisheries. In the urban areas, children work in dhabas, eateries helpers or cleaners in trucks and as domestic servants etc. They have long working hours, bad and unhygienic working conditions and fewer wages. The main reason behind child labour is poverty. Children born in poor families are forced to work not only for their own survival but also for their family. Awareness of the people and Government also compels poor parents to make their children employed as laborers in agricultural forms, factories, brick kilns and as domestic servants. Let us all take a step to ban this evil.

The figures are troubling and child labour is steadily become a unifying social economic problem amongst developed and developing countries. The International Labour Organisation (ILO), reports that based on a nation-wide survey of child trafficking, approximately 19 percent (%) of school children and 40 percent (%) of street children have been forced into child labour. I identify in our country large quantity of child labour include different types of activities like poultry firms to early age due to scarcity. However, they do not get profit continuously due to unhealthy condition. Bird flue is one kind of fever of chicken which some times destroyed our poultry firms. It becomes especially in winter season. Therefore, I think remove the problem should be give them training and development.
Child labour is common sign in development countries like Bangladesh. Most of the children are doing their jobs with unhealthy condition to earn. He supposed goes to the school at this time. But they could not do it due to poverty. In Dhaka city, we see large number of children is working to clean the city under the city corporation of Dhaka. Most of the children come from slums areas. For their responsibility, they get 750-800 tk per month. However, if we se in labour law in Bangladesh, here the minimum wage is per month 1550tk. But they do not follow the government rules.
Child domestic service is a widespread practice in Bangladesh. . The Rapid Assessment of Child Labour Situation in Bangladesh” (2003) estimated that in the city of Dhaka alone there were about 120,000 child domestics.  Especially in Dhaka, city employers in the urban areas usually recruit children from their village homes through family, friends or contacts. Most of the child domestic workers come from the most vulnerable families, many of them being orphans or abandoned children.  The majority of child domestics tend to be between 12 and 16years old, but children as young as 5 or 6 years old can also be found  working. A survey of child domestic workers found that 38 percent were 11 to 13 years old and nearly 24 percent were 5 to 1years old. Their employers usually take care of their daily necessities like clothes, oil, soap, comb, towel, bedding and sleeping materials. The child domestic workers are often the least paid in the society, their remuneration ranging from 8taka to 40taka per month. In most of the cases, they hand over all their earnings to their parents, leaving nothing for themselves. Therefore, I think save the neglected children should be change our daily behavior.
Currently, child labor in Bangladesh is a critical issue. Day by day child labor is growing in different sectors. I think scarcity of one’s income to maintain his/her family and high density of population are the two main causes of child labor in our country. Different children are involved in difference activities to earn. Some children are involved with their traditional family jobs like clay modelling. Clay modeling was a tradition of our country earlier. Now this sector is in a destroyed position in Bangladesh. However, till now parents are sending their little children at hard work to save their family tradition with encourage. However, they do not get minimum facilities from the government and any private organization. As a result, unemployment and illiteracy rate is continuously increasing in Bangladesh. Therefore, I can suggest to solve the problem is those families should be given interest free loan facility. In addition, parents should be encouraged to send their children to school…
A concern of child labour exists from poverty. I  have to understand as why children go to work Why poor parents feel children as their assets who will earn money for their home? Are they forced by their parents to go to work? If yes why? Nearly 30% of population in poor countries are poorest of poor who are not even able to earn enough for one day food with big family have to largely depend on children to earn and feed. Dream of education to children is impossible unless suitable employment opportunities made available to at least one person in the family. Simply by opening schools and providing books are not sufficient measures. We need to understand the reason behind child labour that is poverty and unemployment. Minimizing poverty and creation of more and more suitable jobs to parents are the only solution of eradication of majority of child labour problem.  Our understanding should be little more practical as no parents want their children work at the age when children are to study and play. System of child labour prevails in the countries, which are poor or underdeveloped. Nearly 70% of world’s poor live in Asia alone and major contribution made by China, India, Pakistan, Nepal, Afghanistan and Bangladesh.
When children, especially young ones are exposed to long hours of work in harsh and dangerous environments, which threatens their lives and limbs as well as jeopardize their normal physical, mental, emotional and moral development, it is termed child labour. As a result, they cannot imagine bettering something. I think though Bangladesh is a developed country, so most of the lower level of peoples is involving in service-oriented sectors to earned money. Most of the children they are doing domestic very little business. As a result, they do not get educationally facilities. Especially I talked with some children why they children do not go to the school. Finally I identify they do not go to school due to poverty and their parents also do not encourage them to go the school.
‘’Child is any person who is yet to compete fourteen years of age’’. Bangladesh  has the largest number of child workers in the world. They are employed in many industries and trades, including garments, footwear, brick kilns, stainless steel, hotels,  textile shops and bus contractor etc. A dense population, limited resources, and frequent natural calamities complicate the poverty situation in Bangladesh and children are the worst victims. Although child labour is not illegal in Bangladesh but government or private organization have not take any positive steps to reduce the child labour. Among them large number of child is working by Bus helper or bus contractors to early age.  As a result child labour is increasing day by day in Bangladesh.
Bangladesh is a developed country and most of the peoples live in under the poverty. As a result large number of child working at difference sectors to income. According to the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics Labor Force Survey (1990), there are 5.7 million 10 to 14 year old children working in Bangladesh. Another estimate puts the number at 15 million. Where they go to the school but they cannot go to the school due to poverty.  Although Bangladesh government’s has creates a law to reduce the child labor. Under Bangladesh law, children must attend school through the fifth grade. Primary education is free and compulsory, although not compulsory for girls in the rural areas. The implementation of compulsory education has fallen short in part because parents keep their children out of school, finding school accessories too expensive or preferring their children to be working for money or helping with household chores. Therefore, I think they ultimately become uneducated peoples and they increase unemployment rate in Bangladesh.
Bangladesh is a developing country with majority of its population being   engaged in some form of labour with children forming a sizeable portion of the informal labour force. At an age when these children should be attending school, they are involved in the struggle for survival. They take on the responsibilities of the family at an early age. As a result, they enter into many hazardous jobs, without any hesitation. In sylhet I identify large number of child labour are working to rickshaw pushers to their income. However, they do not have minimum wage rather than older peoples. They earned per day 80-100 tk(BD) . It can be stated that despite the discourse and debate on child labour and its elimination there is not enough initiatives either in the government or non-government sector to combat it. The interventions are far from being adequate.

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