FREEADS in India


Wednesday 28 August 2013

7 super ways you won't have breast cancer

Here are 7 ways to reduce your risk of developing breast cancer

In the last 25 years, the incidence of breast cancer among Indian women has risen.

According to information available on the Tata Memorial Hospital's website worldwide, breast cancer is the most common of all cancers and is the leading cause of cancer deaths. In fact, a recent study of breast cancer risk in India revealed that one in 28 women develops breast cancer during her lifetime. This is higher in urban areas (one in 22) compared to rural areas, where the risk is lower at one in 60 women.

But there is no single cause, says Lester Barr, breast cancer surgeon and chairman of the UK-based charity Genesis Breast Cancer Prevention. "Breast cancer is caused by the interplay of your genes, the environment you live in and lifestyle factors." In addition to going for mandatory screenings and tests, you can make lifestyle changes to lower your risk.

1. Do house work: Experts say that being active reduces a woman's risk of breast cancer. Exercise reduces the number of fat cells, which are responsible for the release of hormones such as oestrogen and testosterone. It is these fat cells that are thought to encourage tumour growth. Eluned Hughes, head of public health at UK's Breakthrough Breast Cancer, says, women should aim for 30 minutes of moderate physical activity a day. This can reduce breast cancer risk by at least 20 per cent. Anything that gets your heart rate up and leaves you feeling a bit out of breath will do, so tackle every day chores like dusting the house with gusto.

2. Breastfeed your baby: Women who breast-feed for a year over their lifetime, not necessarily continuously, are five per cent less likely to develop breast cancer than those who don't breast-feed at all, an analysis of cancer statistics by the World Cancer Research Fund found. The longer a woman breast-feeds, the lower her chances of getting the disease. It's thought that breast-feeding lowers the levels of cancer-related hormones in the mother's blood. When breast-feeding ends, the body gets rid of damaged cells that could turn cancerous.

3. Drink less booze: Regularly drinking alcohol increases your risk of developing breast cancer and the more drinks you have each day, the greater your risk will be," says Highes. Try simple measures to reduce how much you drink. Have one glass instead of two, enjoy alcohol-free nights and drink from smaller wine glasses to reduce your units.

4. Curtail night shifts: Women who work at least three night shifts a week for six years or more are twice as likely to develop breast cancer, Danish researchers claim. But more research needs to be done. UK's Health and Safety Executive has commissioned a study that is due to be published in 2015 and should help find more answers.

However, docs say it's not clear if it's the unhealthy behaviour caused by working night shifts, like eating poorly and being inactive, that's the possible cause, rather than the shift work itself. Women, therefore, need to think about their overall lifestyle, whatever hours they work.

5. Reduce cholesterol: Women who take statins (drugs that lower cholesterol levels) for more than a decade face doubling the risk of developing invasive ductal carcinoma, or IDC, the most common type of breast cancer, according to the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. While studies suggest the short-term use of statins appears to have a protective effect against breast cancer, in the long run, statins may damage certain chemical pathways that lead to the growth of tumours. However, do not stop taking statins without consulting the doctor.

6. Avoid unhealthy chemicals: Don't use canned food and drinks and don't microwave food in plastic containers, warns nutritionist, Conner Middelmann-Whitney. They contain chemicals that behave like oestrogens, increasing breast cancer risk. High temperature barbecuing, grilling or frying meat can trigger the production of acrylamide that also increase cancer risk so try to cook meat gently and make an effort to avoid preserved meats as well.

7. Step out in the sun: Natural sunlight is the best way of increasing stores of vitamin D, which can lower your risk of breast cancer, say Canadian researchers. Laboratory tests suggest breast cells can convert vitamin D to a hormone that has anti-cancer properties. This advice should, however, be balanced against the risk of developing skin cancer from sun exposure.

stressed yet healthy

Not everyone binges to beat stress. A study credits good habits for it. Three professionals share theirs

It may sound counter-intuitive, but a new research conducted by habit specialists show that in times of stress, not everyone falls into self-destructive routines such as over-eating, sleeping less, drinking excessive alcohol or even, shopping more.

People who have inculcated good behaviours over the years — anything from eating a healthy breakfast to praying before sleeping — are at an advantage.

The study, conducted across five experiments appearing in the June issue of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, published by the American Psychological Association, finds that stressful times don't automatically mean indulgence or hedonism. It's the underlying routine that matters. If we're used to a kind of behaviour that is healthful and productive, we're as likely to do those to cope with stress.

"When we try to change our behaviour, we strategise about our motivation and self-control. But what we should be thinking about instead is how to set up new habits. Habits persist even when we're tired and don't have the energy to exert self-control," says Wendy Wood, Provost Professor of Psychology and Business at USC, who led the research with David Neal.

How does one inculcate a good habit? By making the behaviour easy to perform repeatedly, so that it becomes a part of your daily routine. We bring you three such folks in pressured, deadline-chasing jobs, and ask them what behaviours help them cope with stress.

10 Treatments for depression

Depression, you're either going through it or you may know someone who is going through depression.

Sadly, you are in-charge of your emotions and even though friends and family may try their best to brighten up your mood, but eventually you are the boss of yourself. Getting into depression is far easier than getting out of depression. But even though depression is a serious issue, there are solutions available and today we have listen 10 treatments for depression.

Food for happiness
When depressed people tend to eat or lose their appetite. But eating the right food is the way to go. Try having nuts, berries, dark chocolates, tomatoes, spinach, coconut, honey, whole grains, etc to pep up your mood. These foods can increase your endorphin levels which can make you happy.

Quit smoking
A 2008 study that surveyed 3,000 people found that while smokers had a 6.6 per cent risk of developing lifetime frequency of major depression; it was 2.9 per cent for non-smokers. The Epidemiologic Catchment Area (ECA) survey revealed that about 70% of male habitual smokers and 80% of female habitual smokers had major depression.

The study also established that 30% of smokers show some symptoms of depression.

The root cause behind it is Nicotine! Acting as a stimulant it affects the release of neurotransmitters in the brain; consequently, the brain becomes so addicted to the drug that it no longer functions normally without it. After 20-30 minutes of smoking the last cigarette, nicotine withdrawal begins and this leads to anxiety, which is very closely related to depression.

Researchers found patients who exercised an hour and a half to two hours per week had slightly lower depression scores, which in turn were tied to a reduced risk of re-hospitalizations and deaths related to heart problems.

Avoid junk food
Studies have shown that people whose diets include fried foods, processed meats, desserts and high-fat dairy have a higher chance of showing signs of depression. Besides bringing depression, junk food also makes you irritable and aggressive.

But the study does not mean that you need to cut out junk food completely from your life. Depression, irritation and aggression creep in when you live off junk food very often. Eat junk food in moderation and strict portion control, coupled with a healthy overall eating plan, and you should be okay.

Avoid late night and TV sessions
Sitting in front of a computer or TV screen late into the night or leaving it on when you fall asleep could increase your chances of becoming depressed, according to a study by U.S. scientists.

"The good news is that people who stay up late in front of the television and computer may be able to undo some of the harmful effects just by going back to a regular light-dark cycle and minimizing their exposure to artificial light at night," said researcher Bedrosian.

Go outdoors
Want to increase your happiness? Then make sure your serotonin levels are normal and sunlight does exactly that. If you are feeling low ore depressed go outdoors and brighten up.

Surround yourself with positive people
Isolating yourself can only make your gloominess a lot worse. Enjoy the company of positive, energetic people as this will make you feel better. Don't know anyone who fits the bill? Join a club. Exercise clubs or hobby groups are the best influencers here.

Tune out from negative thinking
Depression can make you to a world of too much negativity. It's hard to stay off it, but try and replace it with more balanced thoughts, which can make you happy. You'll find that surrounding yourself with positive people, good habits, and a clean environment will work wonders in helping you achieve this.

Avoid sad songs
When you are depressed, it is a normal tendency to listen to sad songs.

Avoid it. This will just make it hard for you to forget what wrong happened to you, because when we are upset we don't enjoy the music we tend to evaluate the lyrics. More often the lyrics just match our lives, which make us burst into tears. Listen to happier music and you'll find your day's getting brighter.

Avoid alcohol and drugs
You may be tempted to drink or take a drug to escape the misery. But know this - all relief from substance abuse is short lived and has drastic fallouts in the long run. Since alcohol is a depressant, it will only make the situation worse. Alcohol can increase suicidal thoughts and leave you addicted to it later in life.

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